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  • Get Involved

  • June 24, 2024

Help us shape an introduction session to LinkedIn for our community

As we are developing our new website, we are also looking for better ways to stay in touch with out community. Get involved and help us co-produce an introduction session to LinkedIn!

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  • Get Involved

  • March 23, 2024

March Team Update: Projects coming into bloom this spring

The latest news from the team and our community plus updates about our ongoing projects and upcoming opportunities.

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  • March 11, 2024

New opportunities to help co-produce reproductive health research and policy

We invite you to join us in working to co-produce the Reproductive Health Policy Research Unit. Read this blog to find out what the opportunity entails and how you can get involved.

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  • March 2, 2024

Ways to engage with our work and our community

This blog outlines all the ways that you can learn more about co-production, engage with the Co-Production Collective and play an active role in our community!

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  • Get Involved

  • February 7, 2024

New opportunities to help co-produce summaries of research evidence

In this blog we introduce opportunities to get involved with the EPPI Centre (Evidence for Policy & Practice Information Centre) at UCL (University College London) and UCL Health Economics Policy Lab.

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  • Get Involved

  • January 3, 2024

Update on the redevelopment of our website and two opportunities to get involved

In this blog we share designs from the redevelopment of our website and invite you to getting involved in testing it and providing feedback to our new 'Join us' form

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