Understanding Anti-Racism in Co-Production Spaces: Centring the Voices of Racialised Individuals
In this blog Isaac Samuels introduces key themes and recommendations from the 'Understanding Anti-Racism in Co-Production Spaces' report supported by us and People's Voice Media

Co-Production Collective Allies Group: November Meeting Notes
Co-Production Collective's Allies Group met once more to discuss key areas of our work. We're sharing the minutes so you can catch-up with what was discussed.

Opportunity to join the project team for the co-produced Mathematical Modelling of Epidemics Together (COMMET) project
We are looking for two co-producers to join our team to help co-produce mathematical epidemic models.

Ear Checks Programme delighted to be finalist at the HSJ Awards
We are excited to announce that we were finalists at this year’s Health Service Journal Awards (known as the HSJ awards) for our work as part of the team working with NHS England on the Ear Checks Programme. Read this blog to find out more about the HSJ Awards and our nomination.

Our 2024 Community Survey is now live, please take part and help shape the Collective
We are conducting our 2024 Community Survey to help us understand how you engage with the Co-Production Collective and to explore what else we could do improve this. Whether you have recently heard about us, attended one of our training sessions, or are a long-standing member of the community who has helped shape Co-Production Collective, we would love to hear from you.

Ear Checks Programme wins National Association of Special Needs Award
News about the award we won for our support of co-production work on the NHS England Ear Checks programme to be rolled out in residential special schools
The benefits of co-producing evidence synthesis : Lessons from co-producing the diabetic eye-screening systematic map
Two co-producers and a researcher share their reflections mapping evidence for diabetic eye screening.

Reflections from co-producing our introduction to LinkedIn session
In this blog we share our reflections from co-producing our first LinkedIn training for our community and what we learnt from this.

October Team Update: Celebrating Achievements and Reflecting on our Journey
The latest news from the team and our community plus updates about our ongoing projects and upcoming opportunities.

Co-Producing Croydon
In this blog we share the insights and experiences of people involved in Co-Producing Croydon project which aimed to come up with ideas to improve the North End Quarter of Croydon town centre.

September Team Update: Being true to our values
The latest news from the team and our community plus updates about our ongoing projects and upcoming opportunities.